Now this isn't to say that Westerns are bad, just not what I'd prefer. As you may have seen in the scene linked above, they set the standard for many modern techniques used. The body double for John Wayne that jumped from horse to horse certainly built the excitement. Also, the smooth fading in of the cavalry bugle and the fading out of the music was a great job done by the sound crew. I mean, it's in these old movies that really took skill on the part of the actor. They had to create the feeling or image instead of having technology do it for them. I love CGI no doubt, but you gotta admire the actors skill.
On this note, I would just like to quick talk about Dracula. Now this is truly a film that required talent. For all lovers of vampire stories, everyone ought to see the one that started it all. I mean the skill of Lugosi makes for a much scarier vampire than Robert Pattinson. I'm just saying. I haven't seen his performance in Twilight yet, so i can't really comment too much on it.